New Creation in 2025

2024 was an exciting year for the team here at New Creation. We explored a wide range of creation science topics, started a YouTube channel, attended not one, but two conferences, and even hosted an online conference of our own. Lord-willing, we want 2025 to be just as exciting as we bring you the latest in creation science. In this article, we will go over some of New Creation’s biggest accomplishments of 2024, and reveal what is currently in the works for 2025.

Top 12 Posts of 2024

While there were many exciting heavy-hitters produced by the New Creation blog last year, the following 12 seemed to be the most popular:

  1. Carbon Dating: In Need of Calibration
  2. Did Pangaea Really Exist?
  3. Where Did the Floodwaters Go?
  4. When Did Abraham Live?
  5. Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?
  6. Noah’s Flood in Egyptian Hieroglyphs?
  7. From Adam to Abraham
  8. But Is It a Gospel Issue?
  9. An Egyptian Perspective on the Plagues
  10. The TRUE Story of Lucy’s Knee
  11. A Safari Through the Pre-Flood World
  12. Did Adam and Eve Need an Immune System?

The most common recurring themes for popular articles in 2024 were those about ancient Egypt, Abraham, genealogies, and plate tectonics as they relate to Noah’s Flood.

YouTube Channel Update

Our YouTube channel, New Creation Clips, has done quite well in its first year. As of today, we have 1,251 subscribers, 6,809 hours watched between 112,444 views. Here is a list of our top 12 most popular videos over the course of 2024:

  1. I Found a Tully Monster!
  2. Scientists found a Neanderthal with Down Syndrome
  3. Reacting to Aron Ra: “Zoology Disproves Noah’s Flood”
  4. What are the “waters above the expanse”?
  5. The Ancient Glaciers of Indiana
  6. How does radiometric dating fit with the Bible?
  7. Has the Tower of Babel Been Found?
  8. Are Humans Apes?
  9. What Evolutionists ACTUALLY Teach About Creationism
  10. Archaeologists Found the World’s Oldest Building
  11. What was the Preflood World Like?
  12. Was Noah’s Flood Toxic?

Of the most common topics, viewers of our channel were especially interested in human origins and archaeology, the pre-Flood world and its various lifeforms, and videos of us reacting to content from skeptics of young-earth creationism.

After Noah’s Flood – New Creation’s First Online Conference

On Aug 14, 2024, New Creation held its first ever online conference. Called Remembered, this event was all about what the world was like in the centuries following the worldwide Flood of Noah’s day.

Planet Earth’s recovery was not instantaneous, but underwent several successive stages, gradually evolving into the way we know it today. As the earth attempted to retain equilibrium, mountains rose, and our planet experienced some of the largest volcanic eruptions, landslides, and even as ice age. While these changes were going on, animals and humans repopulated and recolonized a vacant earth, spreading across its surface and adapting to whatever environmental changes lay in their way. Eventually, earth settled down enough for humans to reinvent civilization, starting in remote corners of the world such as the Ancient Near East. It took quite some time before the earth resembled what it is today. Remembered covers this exciting period of time.

What’s Happening in 2025?

Merch Store Coming Soon

We’re excited to expand our offerings here at New Creation to include an online merch store, coming soon in 2025! With tee shirts, mugs, stickers, and more, you’ll be able to express your love of creation science and share it with others. Designs are in progress currently, and we can’t wait to share the finished products with you!

Upcoming Conferences

Currently slated for 2025 are three big creation science conferences. Unlike the more lay-level creation science or apologetics conferences that might come to your local church, these conferences are technical presentations of the latest research. New Creation plans to have representatives at all of these conferences. So stay tuned!

New Scholars Conference

The first is the New Scholars Conference, sponsored by the International Conference on Creationism and Canyon Ministries, in association with Cedarville University. This first-of-its-kind event will provide an opportunity for both young and experienced creationist researchers to present their research in the form of oral abstract presentations and posters. The New Scholars Conference will be held on April 4-5 at Flagstaff Bible Church in Flagstaff, Arizona. Learn more about this conference at their website.

Origins Conference 2025

Origins is an annual creation research conference where scientists and theologians from the Creation Biology Society, Creation Geology Society and the Creation Theology Society come together not only to present their research, but also for in-depth interdisciplinary discussions. Last year held the first of a two-part interdisciplinary session on the meaning of the Hebrew word min, translated as “kind” in English, and what this means for baraminology, the study of created kinds. Though topics ranging from geology, biology, theology, and philosophy of science are expected to be covered as well. In 2025, Origins will be held in Dayton, Tennessee from July 20th to July 23rd, just in time for Dayton’s 100-year memorial of the “World’s Most Famous Court Trial,” the Scopes Trial. Find more information here:

Creation Research Society Conference

Every year, the Creation Research Society (CRS) hosts their annual research conference at different locations around the United States. The CRS annual conference is a place where creation scientists present current projects and updates on ongoing research, so you get to hear what’s on the cutting-edge of creationism. This year, the CRS conference will be held July 24th to July 26th at Missouri Baptist University. The CRS conference also includes all-day pre-conference workshops focused on geology, biology, astronomy, and education. The CRS conference will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, on July 24-26, 2025. Click here to register today:

Creation Reformation Conference

A brand new conference is coming to New England this Spring! Put on by New Creation and Bible Adventure Land, the Creation Reformation Conference is the first of its kind; a young-earth creation event in Western Massachusetts. The event will be on March 21-22 at Pioneer Valley Christian Academy in Springfield, MA. The CRC speakers will include paleontologist Marcus Ross, Steve Lloyd of Biblical Creation Trust, CRS member Helmut Welke, Ivan Kirpichev of Bible Adventure Land, and Jake Ramgren of New Creation. This conference will feature rigorous scientific research and enlightening presentations on the origins discussion, with the goal of equipping Christians to discuss creation and evolution both knowledgeably and wisely. Find more information at

New Creation’s Next Online Conference

Plans are in the making right now for our next New Creation online conference. The topic will be design in nature, but with a twist. We’ll be exploring some aspects of design that you don’t hear about often; fingerprints of the Creator tucked away in corners that can be easy to miss. With presentations on geology, astronomy, archeology, and more in the works, this is going to be an exciting online conference, coming soon in Spring 2025!

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robert byers
robert byers
January 9, 2025 8:07 PM

Great cool year and another coming. Being on the vtruth side gives organized creationism a unfair advantage if you will. However we must, we do, contribute to scholarship on origin matters. In fact we could lead the world in some things to make it better and healthier. Thanks for the intelligence and industry from NEWCREATION. Cheers from Canada.

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