Absolute dating techniques associated with radioisotope decay are perhaps the greatest challenge to a cogent and scientifically sustainable young-earth creationist model. How are Christians to respond to claims that the earth is billions of years old?
The following article has been reblogged with permission from Creation Unfolding. The views expressed in this article reflect those of the author, and not necessarily those of New Creation.
Image Credit: Strekeisen – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44917251
Typically, most Christians and/or creationists will respond with some kind of anti-evolutionary rhetoric that categorically undermines the veracity of radioisotope dating—“it’s all bogus.” This is a mistake. Geochronology based on radioisotope models of decay is a scientifically robust discipline. A knee-jerk reaction that condemns the entire discipline is borne out of fear, not fact. Most creationist scientists are now quite convinced that millions of years’ worth of isotope decay has occurred and is displayed in rocks. The best evidence for this is the presence of uranium radio-halos. [Editor’s Note: see the small, round black smudges on the image above; the large roundish object is a zircon crystal from which the Uranium came.]
When the element uranium decays, small pieces of it shoot away from its center at high speeds in all directions. As each piece moves through solid rock, it cuts a path into the rock. This would be like shooting a bullet into ice: the bullet would cut through the ice and leave a path that you could see. Since these pieces shoot away from the uranium in all directions, all the little paths together etch a perfect sphere into the rock. Hence, a uranium halo.
Since it takes at least 100 million years for uranium to etch a mature halo into rock, then lots of radioisotope decay has occurred. Answers in Genesis geologist Andrew Snelling says this, “The presence of 238U radiohalos in granitic rocks at many levels throughout the Paleozoic-Mesozoic geologic record…is consistent with hundreds of millions of years’ worth of radioisotope decay having occurred.” (Snelling 2005 p. 400.)
Notice, these halos have nothing to do with complicated mathematics, charts, graphs, or interpretations. The halo is the product of a very well-known and simple “mechanical” process. It is true, we can’t get a close approximation as to how much radioisotope decay has occurred, but a mature halo allows us to approximate a minimum of about a hundred million years’ worth.
The Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth (RATE) group have proposed a possible solution. They conducted several experiments and collated data that suggests a change in the fundamental rate at which radioisotopes decay. In their model, accelerated radioisotope decay would have occurred during Creation Week with a possible second bout occurring during Noah’s Flood. Christians should not think this strange.
God does not require billions of years to make a mature planet. He could have made the earth instantly, or He could have fashioned it using supernaturally accelerated rates of change. The result of such a strategy would have important implications for humans. Vast processes are currently at work maturing our planet. Extrapolating the “current” rates of change backwards in time would lead to an erroneous “age” for the earth. Since God’s creative strategy was extraordinary, He graciously provided an account of it in His word—Genesis 1.
What remains is for humans to “believe” this account. Without the aid of special revelation, humans could never know when or how God created anything because they would be relying on their own methods of interpretation. Since humans interpret process in terms of time, and since God created a mature planet stamped with vast amounts of process, then humans will interpret those processes in terms of billions of years. But remember, there are no “dates” in the rock. They are geochemical reactions that humans interpret as time. This is why we need God’s historical account—to help us interpret process.
Click here to read part II!
Snelling, Andrew. 2005. “Radiohalos in Granites: Evidence for Accelerated Nuclear Decay.” In Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Results of a Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative, edited by L. Vardiman, A.A. Snelling and E.F. Chaffin. El Cajon, California: Institute for Creation Research and Chino Valley, Arizona: Creation Research Society
I’m not sure this is very reassuring.
Hello Stephan!
This article is the first of a two-part series Dr. Coulson has written on radiometric dating. Please be sure to check out part II as well!
Hi Stephan, i understand your lack of excitement. This is one of the most difficult topics in creationism. If, however, all rates were accelerated (for the purpose of heating crustal plates and thus allowing for rapid plate movements) then this single hypothesis can account for a lot of data. True, “so far” no naturalistic mechanism can account for these accelerated rates, but God’s word is true, and thus becomes the primary piece of evidence when interpreting the past. All the best, Ken Coulson
It shouldn’t be. Check out my recent posts’ links.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have additional scripture and modern day Prophets to help explain many things that are not quite clear regarding the creation of the Earth. Of course, they don’t explain everything as much is to be revealed soon but these are available to everyone who desires to study them and there are all online.
A couple of things to note:
1-The earth was not created here in this solar system but was placed here in a perfect orbit string the Sun and given a moon for several reasons.
2-The earth is alive and has a spirit in it. It weeps because of the wickedness of the people that dwell on her.
3-It’s creation took 7 periods of Time and since it was created in Gods presence, time does not exist so we can’t measure it the same as we do here.
4-The elements from which the Earth was created have always existed. Yes they are billions of years old, but the earth is not.
5-Adam and Eve are children of Heavenly Parents. So are we.
6-The Fall of Adan and Eve was a good thing because it made it possible for us to obtain this physical body. They were SUPPOSED to partake of the fruit so we could progress in our eternal journey to become like Heavenly Father.
7-All the animals were PLACED here, they did not evolve. All plant life came from seeds that were sown here in this earth.
8-Jesus Christ is Jehovah who created all of this under the direction of God the Father. He is our Savior and Redeemer and paid the ultimate price in all of the Universe by fulfilling the Atonement so we could be forgiven of our sins and resurrected with our physical bodies to dwell eternally in some form of glory depending on the choices we make here and our reliance upon Jesus Christ.
9-God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the young prophet Joseph Smith in 1820 and restored the authority of the priesthood and His Church again which was taken because of iniquity. We have a prophet in the earth again today just like Moses. We invite all to come and learn new things. We never denigrate any religion because God has had a hand in all of them and was only prevented from revealing more because the people were not willing to accept more.
10-Jesus Christ is coming soon and the only people who will not be at war are those who are a part of Zion, the New Jerusalem which will be built here on the American Continent.
I don’t think ‘flood geology’ is true. A site search here did not result in any hits for ‘Hawaii’. Check this out, please:
God engineered a lot of clocks into his creation for us to discover and to learn how to use. Interestingly, they mutually validate and calibrate each other. He didn’t mess with the mechanisms after they were made. Here is a good example of said mutual validation and respective calibration:
“A 60,000 Year Varve Record from Japan Refutes the Young-Earth Interpretation of Earth’s History”:
A relevant verse:
“This is what the LORD says: ‘If I have not established my covenant with the day and the night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth…’”
Jeremiah 33:25
This is a favorite:
Girdled rocks
New evidence always supports the antiquity of the earth and it continues to build.
I haven’t got the hang of embedding links here. 😐
Girdled Rocks ← That works, for now anyway. Yay. 🙂
This should clear up some things:
The Defeat of Flood Geology by Flood Geology
Try this on for size 🙂, by a Christian elementary particle physicist (check out other articles on his blog, too):
A Small Big Universe
I guess I haven’t figured out how to embed the links correctly.
Hi Dale,
Your quote from Augustine needs to be taken in context:
“Therefore, it is an utterly disgraceful and ruinous thing—and something that should be greatly avoided—if [a non-Christian] hears a Christian speaking like an idiot on these matters and trying to make them accord with Christian writings. When that happens, [the non-Christian] will say that he can’t keep from laughing when he sees how totally in error they are. In view of this and in keeping it in mind constantly while dealing with the book of Genesis, I have, insofar as I was able, explained in detail and set forth for consideration the meanings of obscure passages, taking care not to affirm rashly some singular meaning to the prejudice of another and perhaps better explanation.”
Augustine interpreted the Scriptures using the grammatical/historical method. Many of his peers, however, used “allegory” to interpret Scripture, much of which was applied to the creation account in Genesis. This is what Augustine is talking about; it has absolutely nothing to do with the creation account itself. Augustine was fully committed to a universe that was less than 10,000 years old. He also believed that God supernaturally created the universe during Creation Week. For whatever reason, Augustine believed that God created the universe in one, single, 24-hour period, rather than over six days, but this in no way means he was critical of special creation. On the contrary, he was completely committed to it.
As for the “The world’s largest rock tumbler,” I appreciate you posting this link! I haven’t heard of this particular argument until now. I, of course, disagree with the conclusions of the writer, R. Joel Duff, and was able to come up several other hypotheses off the cuff that could explain these data using a short-age chronology. I’ll be sure to digest this and get back to you soon.
I also want to briefly talk about this quote of yours: “I used to be a YEC, decades ago, and there was no ‘temptation’ involved in the change.” That’s interesting. You see I used to be an evolutionist who believed in millions of years. I also lived in Australia which, as you may know, is an incredibly secular culture. When I came to faith, I honestly never even knew that the story of Adam and Eve was understood historically by Christians. I just thought it was a myth and that everyone, Christians included, believed this to be the case. I certainly had never even heard of people that believed the earth was 6000 years old. Quite honestly, I didn’t even know Moses from Jesus and the NT from the OT. I had never even cracked a Bible.
So, as I read the book of Genesis for the first time, I can say with confidence that I did not apply any young-earth creationist “baggage” to the text. Yet I knew what it was saying. I still remember becoming quite angry and offended that this book that I had just accepted as true (I hadn’t read Genesis prior to faith), was telling me “fairy stories.” So, you see, when old-earthers or theistic evolutionists try to tell me that I’m not interpreting the text correctly, I must object. The text is very, very clear, as it was to my then (28 years ago now) completely biased evolutionary mind.
And this brings me to your quote again. You see, you say you were not “tempted” by the science. That tells me that you accepted the science and reinterpreted the Scriptures to fit the science? I, on the other hand, believed that the science was solid. I believed (and still do) that there was much evidence in support of evolution and an ancient earth. But I also understood what the Bible was clearly saying.
I, unlike you, was tempted to “give in” to the science. But instead, I have chosen to remain faithful to the Scriptures and to instead reinterpret the scientific data. You see, I realized that, according to the apostle John (1 John 5:19), “the whole world is under the power of the evil one.” Now, that doesn’t mean I believed in scientific conspiracies. But it does mean that humans are influenced by a superior spiritual power whose sole objective is to destroy confidence in the Word of God.
Since most scientists (and in fact all humans) are, unknowingly helping Satan achieve his task, we as Christians must be very, very sensitive to the authority of the Scriptures first. You seem to accept without much reservation any and all scientific data. But one wonders how much science you would have accepted had you lived 200 years ago? Yet much of that science has since been reinterpreted. Where will science be in another 200 years? How much of what we “think” is true today will be rejected in 200 years?
But God’s word never changes. I encourage you Dale to trust in God’s word. I am quite confident that you are being deceived. That doesn’t mean I doubt your faith in our savior. It just means that on this particular level, I am 100% convinced that you are deceived and are deceiving others. “Let not many of you become teachers since you will incur a stricter judgment.” I take this verse very seriously. I KNOW what the Scripture is saying and I don’t what to stand before our Father and he says that I had it wrong and led people astray. Do you feel 100% secure about the things you are teaching others about the Bible?
Moving on,
Many of your links discuss cosmological phenomena. Had you watched the Youtube links I sent you, you would know that I mostly agree with these data. I have a slightly different mature creation view that most YEC. So, I challenge you to read my article here:
As for evidences of a young-“biosphere,” check out these resources:
1. In this article, I talk about my experiences while doing my capstone class in geology in Montana. https://www.creationunfolding.com/post/when-rocks-bend
2. In this article, I talk about the formation of coal beds. Specific to this thread is the presence of tall stumps in coal beds that, according to the secular view, must have been sitting in upright positions for tens of thousands of years. Obviously, this is false and a better interpretation is that they were buried rapidly in place. https://www.creationunfolding.com/post/on-the-origin-of-coal-beds
3. In this article, I talk about soft tissue in dinosaur bones. Nothing really needs to be said about this since the description in and of itself bears testimony to the problem of Deep Time. https://www.creationunfolding.com/post/dinosaur-soft-tissues-can-ages-and-ales-really-preserve-flesh-for-two-hundred-million-years
4. This link is to a Nature article that discusses extremely rapid biological evolution. (I did post this above but you did not comment??). In that article, the scientists report on a new species of finch that evolved in the past few decades. This is interesting because the other 15 species supposedly evolved over two million years. How is it that you get 1 new species in 30 years, yet the other 15 evolved over an average of 133,000 years each? It seems better to interpret the evolution of the entire 16 species over a short timeframe of just a few thousand years. But of course, those figures don’t “calibrate” with radioisotope “ages” for the Galapagos Islands. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/359/6372/224.full.pdf
5. Here is the paper that I was talking about earlier. In this paper, the author discusses problems with the traditional interpretation of varves as annual layers.
H. Paul Buchheim; Paleoenvironments, lithofacies and varves of the Fossil Butte Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, southwestern Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Geology 1994;; 30 (1): 3–14. doi: https://doi.org/10.2113/gsrocky.30.1.3
Dale, at the end of the day, you and I could sit here going tit for tat with scientific evidence. But what’s important is the Bible. What does God say? (I’m pasting this here again since you did not comment on it previously).
Consider Peters words, “Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.’ For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished” 2 Peter 3:3ff.
Importantly, Peter is not asking his adversaries to don boots, hat, and pick, travel to the nearest quarry and study the strata! He is rebuking his opponents because they do not believe the account of God’s judgement as it is described in Genesis. In other words, they do not have faith in God’s word. They are completely entrenched in their uniformitarian experience of the present and think that God’s future judgment will, therefore, never come. Peter is essentially saying that believers should reject a uniformitarian view of the world that is solidly entrenched in our current experience, and should instead accept the biblical accounts that discuss God’s judgement in terms of geologically non-uniformitarian processes. This mindset, of course, can only be believed. Now we know what Peter meant when he called such unbelievers “scoffers.”
What do you think of Peter’s words Dale?
Ken Coulson
As I commented in Part 2:
Barry Setterfield’s work with zero point energy, shows that light is slowing. It was going 3 billion times faster at creation than it is now. This would account for billions of years of decay in a short period of time.