Sara Anne
Sara was a student at Cedarville University and just graduated with her B.S. Geology degree in May 2021. This summer she will attend geologic field training as her capstone course. She enjoys reading scientific articles in geology and philosophy of science, as well as going on field trips out west. Sara has done research on radiohalos and a dinosaur femur under Dr. Andrew Snelling and Dr. John Whitmore’s guidance and has two publications in the OSGC 2020 and 2021 symposium. Click here to see all articles written by Sara.
Christian Ryan
Christian is an undergrad geology student out of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. An author and science writer, he has been obsessed with dinosaurs and other long-extinct animals since the age of nine. As time went on, he developed an interest in geology as well. His current area of interest is correlating the events recorded in the Book of Genesis with distinct eras of Earth history as recorded in its geologic record. Christian is also the author of the “Cozi and the Chrononauts,” an educational fiction series for children about natural history from a biblical perspective. Click here to see all articles written by Christian.
Abigail L.
Abigail is a PhD student at Ariel University, where she is studying archaeology. She has a Master’s degree in Biblical History and Archaeology from The Bible Seminary. She is the Assistant Dig Director at the Shiloh excavations in Israel and has served as Objects Registrar and Square Supervisor at both Shiloh and Khirbet el Maqatir. She has also worked at the Mount Zion excavation in Jerusalem and at the Temple Mount Sifting Project. Click here to see all articles written by Abigail.
Peter Brummel
Peter is a biology student with an interest in paleoanthropology. For several years, he has been working with Dr. Todd Wood on baraminological studies of human and ape fossils. He enjoys studying minerals and fossils, and has a college collection with thousands of specimens. Peter also runs a small YouTube channel where he discusses young-earth creationism and fossils. Click here to see all articles written by Peter.
Jake Ramgren
Jake lives in Springfield, MA and is studying zoology at Union University in Jackson, TN. His love for wildlife has led to an interest in animals, conservation, and human-wildlife conflicts. Jake is involved in two research projects at Union: one which focuses on alligators and another on ichneumonid wasps. He has been fascinated by the topic of creation and evolution since a young age, and he enjoys discussing and writing about the relationship between science and Christianity. Click here to see all articles written by Jake.
Sophie Southerden
Sophie Southerden teaches high school earth science and chemistry at a Christian school in Santa Clarita, California. Her specific scientific interests are in the study of tectonics and mountain formation. She graduated with a degree in Geoscience from The Master’s University. She was born and raised in Oxford, England. Hiking, running and exploring the great outdoors are her favorite activities! Click here to see all articles written by Sophie.
Hannah Klein
Hannah Klein is an amateur astronomer and a physics undergraduate at Liberty University. She’s also co-organizer of the Clearly Seen Creation Conferences, an event series that aims to help people see the glory of God as revealed in the things He has made. Click here to see all articles written by Hannah.
Amanda Thomas
Amanda Thomas is the editor of New Creation. With a red marking pen in hand, she questions everything. She is probably the most skeptical person at work here, and is definitely the most unscientific. Fortunately, these are good traits for our editor. Click here to see all articles written by Amanda.
Guest Writers
Dr. Steve Austin
Dr. Austin is a field research geologist who has done research on six of the seven continents of the world. His research has taken him by helicopter into the crater on Mount St. Helens, by bush plane onto glaciers in Alaska, by raft through the Grand Canyon, on horseback into the high Sierra, by elevator into the world’s deepest coal mines, by SCUBA onto the Great Barrier Reef, by rail into Korean backcountry, by foot onto barren plateaus of southern Argentina, and by four-wheel drive into remote desert areas of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Austin received his PhD from Pennsylvania State University in sedimentary geology.
Dr. Kurt Wise
Dr. Wise earned his BA in geology from the University of Chicago, and his MA and PhD degrees in paleontology from Harvard University. He founded and directed the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College and taught biology there for 17 years. He then led the Center for Theology and Science at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 years, before founding and directing the Center for Creation Research and teaching biology at Truett McConnell University for the last 7 years. His fieldwork has included research in early Flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming, and post-Flood caves in Tennessee. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. Wise.
Dr. Todd Wood
Dr. Wood has a BS in Biology from Liberty University in Virginia (1994) and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, 1999). Immediately following his PhD work at Virginia, Dr. Wood accepted a position as the Director of Bioinformatics at the Clemson University Genomics Institute (Clemson, South Carolina). After working for about two years at Clemson University, Dr. Wood accepted a faculty position at Bryan College (Dayton, Tennessee) in 2002. He is now president of the Core Academy of Science. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. Wood.
Dr. Art Chadwick
Dr. Chadwick received his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Miami in 1969.
After re-training in geology and paleontology at University of California and University of Oklahoma, he has worked in the fields of taphonomy and sedimentary geology. His interests include basinal and suprabasinal sedimentologic trends, involving especially the analysis of paleocurrents and other directional structures, and he is developing a model for the taphonomy of dinosaur bonebeds.
He is currently Research Professor of Biology and Geology at Southwestern Adventist University and Director, Dinosaur Science Museum and Research Center at Southwestern Adventist University. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. Chadwick.
Dr. Marcus Ross
As a four-year-old, Dr. Ross first discovered dinosaurs listening to a read-along recording about prehistoric animals. He then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Science from the Pennsylvania State University. Continuing his studies, he earned a Master of Science degree in Vertebrate Paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and finally earned a PhD in Environmental Science (Geoscience) from the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Ross regularly contributes to creationist research and education in both technical and popular literature. He and his wife Corinna live in Lynchburg, Virginia, and home school their four children.
Paul Garner
Paul Garner is a full-time researcher and lecturer for Biblical Creation Trust. He has a master’s degree in geoscience from University College London, where he specialized in paleobiology. He is a fellow of the Geological Society of London and a member of the Geological Society of America, the Palaeontological Association, and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. His first book, The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation, was published by Evangelical Press in 2009. His latest book, Fossils and the Flood: Exploring Lost Worlds with Science and Scripture, will be published by New Creation in 2021. Click here to see articles written by Garner.
Dr. Matt McLain
Matt McLain attended Cedarville University, where he received his B.S. in geology. He then moved to Southern California to pursue his Ph.D. in earth sciences from Loma Linda University. He is a member of the Geological Society of America and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. His research interests include vertebrate paleontology, specifically projects involving dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and he has authored and coauthored several publications in peer-reviewed journals. He and his wife Jessica have four children, Alaric, Cody, Iris, and Soren. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. McLain.
Dr. Ken Coulson
Ken Coulson originally hails from Brisbane, Australia. He earned his PhD in Earth Science from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. His dissertation was on Cambrian stromatolites/microbialites, their formation and environmental significance. It was while pursing his degree in geology that he met and married his beautiful wife, and with whom he now has three wonderful children. He has recently relocated to Brisbane, Australia. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. Coulson.
Dr. Hans Madueme
Hans Madueme (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. He previously served as the managing director of the Henry Center for Theological Understanding and the associate director of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Madueme is on the editorial board of Themelios and is a senior editor for Sapientia. He is also the coeditor of Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin and Reading Christian Theology in the Protestant Tradition. Most recently, he is the author of Defending Sin: A Response to the Challenges of Evolution and the Natural Sciences. Click the link here to see all articles written by Dr. Madueme.
Dr. Joe Francis
Joe Francis is an immunologist teaching at The Master’s University. Prior to arriving at TMU, Dr. Francis served four years as a post-doctoral fellow and one year as a Research Scientist at the University of Michigan Medical School, and taught biology for ten years at Cedarville University. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Francis has published numerous scientific articles in medical and biological journals. His research interests include: microscopy, cellular immunology, invertebrate biology, and microbiology. Click here to see all articles written by Dr. Francis.
Chad Arment
Chad Arment is a biologist and currently runs ZooCreation out of Ohio. His goal is to explore topics in organismal zoology (living and fossil species) as they relate to the Bible, from a young-earth creationist perspective. Click here to see all articles written by Chad Arment.
Noel Grimes
Noel is a graduate biology student at Loma Linda University. Her particular interests center around taphonomy. She has done research on a dinosaur bonebed in Wyoming. Before attending graduate school, she studied the morphology of Triassic phytosaurs with Dr. Matt McLain, presenting her research at the Creation Biology Society meeting (2017), the WCBSUR conference (2018), and the Geological Society of America meeting (2019). Noel is passionate about learning about and teaching science from a biblical worldview. Click here to see all articles written by Noel.
Dr. Beth Madison
Beth is grateful for the gift of being a wife, mother, grandmother, professor, and author. She delights in teaching biology and environmental science at Union University. (Her favorite teaching activity is soil sampling with students as she has her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in soil science.) Her weekly blog,, addresses a variety of topics ranging from soil science and faith to patient advocacy. Her books, “Good Ground: Volumes 1 and 2” are inspirational Bible studies highlighting how soil science displays God’s beauty in creation and our everyday lives as Christians. Both books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from Northeastern Baptist Press. Click here to see all articles written by Beth.