Submission Guidelines

New Creation is always looking for science students to contribute articles in their field of study or other areas of interest. If you are a student submitting, please let us know! Professionals and knowledgeable enthusiasts are also welcome to submit. Please read this page carefully to ensure that we as the blog editors can work closely with potential article authors.

We’re looking for articles that promote a cohesive, model-building approach to young-earth history. While elements of apologetics or eschatology may be included with an article’s main topic, these are not main topics of interest for New Creation.

If you are interested in submitting an article, please consult the Formatting Guidelines below.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Formatting
    • Article must be no greater than 5,000 words
    • If the article uses extensive technical language, please include a layperson summary. If you have a technical research article, we would encourage you to publish it in a journal and give us a summary to post
    • If including figures, images, etc., include their proper credits/attributions
    • Use respectful language when speaking about the work others have published (including the work of naturalistic evolutionists), even when you disagree 
  • Editorial Review: When you submit a document to New Creation, you understand the following:
    • The editorial staff has the freedom to adjust formatting and correct typographical or grammatical errors
    • Your document may be subject to peer-review, which may be published alongside your article
    • If your document is approved for publishing, a note will be included on the site stating that your article expresses the views of the author (you)
  • Biographical
    • We request that you submit brief biographical information if you have not written for us before or if your information has changed since your last submission
    • Your bio should include your credentials, if any
    • Your bio should be included as an attachment in the email containing the first draft of your article
    • Your bio should be no more than 100 words in length
    • Your bio will be posted on our blog’s list of scientists/researchers
    • If you do not want your biographical information publicized on the blog for any reason (e.g. using a pen name) you should specifically request this and your wish will be respected

If your document does not align with our Guidelines, we will not publish it. It is not a reflection of our outlook on any particular individual or viewpoint, but rather editorial requirements. If you submit a paper, we may also return it with suggestions. If you do not make the changes we suggest, we may not publish it. If you submit a paper that we did not publish, that does not affect your ability to submit more papers in the future.

You can submit your articles to us at [email protected].