Creation Colleges: What You Need to Know

Are you eager to learn more about creation science and investigate the beautiful world around us? Are you interested in contributing to the growing field of creation model building?

Editor’s Note: Last updated on June 1, 2023

Are you eager to learn more about creation science and investigate the beautiful world around us? Are you interested in contributing to the growing field of creation model building?

You should consider pursuing higher education if you haven’t already! Being involved in the world of academia has incredible benefits. Through educational institutions, you get access to vast libraries and can easily acquire journals, articles, and more. You also have the opportunity to use scientific instrumentation and equipment in order to do research and test predictions. Your findings and writings would also be subject to peer review for accountability within the scientific community. This is of extreme importance. There are many “lone wolf” creationists who hold to particular pet theories—these, however, don’t have the chance to get tested and reviewed by accredited scientists and are often misleading. Peer review is undeniably critical in scientific research and model building.1,2,3,4 

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, getting involved in academia gives you connections and a community of like-minded people—believers who also have a passion for science and understanding how God made the world in the way that he did. The whole team here at New Creation thinks that this is one of the best aspects about finding a creation or creation-friendly institution to enroll in. 

That being said, this is a list of colleges that we would point you to in your journey. We have separated it by “creation-affirming” institutions and “creation-sympathetic” institutions. The former represents those whose leadership affirms a biblical, young-age creation. The latter represents those who may have faculty or staff who hold to this position, or at least are friendly and sympathetic to it. This list is by no means complete. This is just a starting point! If you know of creation/creation-friendly institutions that are not on this list, please feel free to contact us and let us know. We are only including those with accredited degrees in the STEM field. While we recognize that there are many more colleges and universities that affirm a young-earth, they do not offer degrees in the sciences. 

Creation-Affirming Institutions

  • Andrews University – Berrien Springs, MI; Seventh-Day Adventist
    • Biochemistry, B.S.
    • Biology, B.S. and M.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
  • Bob Jones University – Greenville, SC; Baptist
    • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, BS
    • Biology, B.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
    • Engineering, B.S.
    • Physics, B.S.
    • Science Education, B.S.
  • Bryan College – Dayton, TN; Non-Denominational
    • Biology, B.S. and B.A.
    • Chemistry, B.A. 
    • Environmental Sciences, B.S.
    • Forensic Science, B.S.
    • Mathematics, B.S.
    • Science and Technology, A.S.
  • Calvary University – Kansas City, MO; Independent Non-Denominational
    • Chemistry, B.S.
  • Cedarville University – Cedarville, OH; Baptist
    • Biology, B.S. 
    • Cell Biology, B.S.
    • Atmospheric Science and Meteorology, B.S.
    • Anatomical Sciences, B.S.
    • General Biology, B.S.
    • Biochemistry, B.S.
    • Biophysics, B.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
    • Geological & Earth Sciences, B.S.
    • Physics & Astronomy, B.S.
    • Physical Sciences, B.S.
    • Materials Sciences, B.S.
    • Molecular Biology, B.S.
    • Natural Resources and Conservation, B.S.
  • Liberty University – Lynchburg, Virginia; Not Affiliated
    • Biology, B.S.
    • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, B.S.
    • Biology Education 6-12, B.Ed.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
    • Chemistry Education 6-12, B.Ed.
    • Conservation & Environmental Biology, B.S.
    • Forensic Science, B.S.
    • Human Biology, M.S.
    • Physics, B.S.
    • Physics Education, B.Ed.
    • Zoology, B.S.
    • Zoo & Wildlife Biology, B.S.
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology, Ph.D.
  • Patrick Henry College – Purcellville, Virginia; Non-Denominational
    • Environmental Science and Stewardship, B.S.
  • Pensacola Christian College – Pensacola, FL; Independant Baptist
    • Biology, B.S.
    • Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
  • San Diego Christian College – Santee, CA; Non-Denominational
    • Biology, B.S.
  • The Master’s University – Santa Clarita, CA; Non-Denominational
    • Biological Science, B.S. and B.A.
    • Cell & Molecular Biology, B.S. and B.A.
    • Environmental Science, B.S.
    • Geology, B.S.
    • Geoscience, B.S.
    • Natural History & Environmental Biology, B.S. and B.A.
    • Life Science Education, B.A.
    • Paleontology, B.S. and B.A.
  • Truett McConnell University – Cleveland, GA; Southern Baptist
    • Biology, B.S.

Creation-Sympathetic Institutions

  • Biola University – La Mirada, CA; Non-Denominational
    • Anthropology, B.S.
    • Biochemistry, B.S.
    • Biology, B.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
    • Physical Science, B.S.
    • Physics, B.S.
    • Science and Religion, M.S.
  • Loma Linda University – Loma Linda, CA; Seventh-Day Adventist
    • Anatomy, M.S. and Ph.D.
    • Biology, M.S. and Ph.D.
    • Earth Sciences, Ph.D.
    • Environmental Sciences, B.S.
    • Geology, B.S. and M.S.
    • Natural Science, M.S. 
    • Neuroscience, Systems Biology and Bioengineering, M.S. and Ph.D.
    • Radiation Sciences, B.S.
  • Union University – Jackson, TN, Southern Baptist Affiliated
    • Biochemistry, B.S.
    • Biology, B.S. and M.S.
    • Botany, B.S.
    • Cell & Molecular Biology, B.S.
    • Chemical Physics, B.S.
    • Chemistry, B.S.
    • Conservation Biology, B.S. and M.S.
    • Forensic Science, B.S.
    • Physical Science, B.S.
    • Physics, B.S.
    • Zoology, B.S.

We included lists of degrees available at the time of this publishing. This does not mean that all faculty/staff in these departments are themselves young-age creationists. The list is not exhaustive. Institutions have been listed in alphabetical order.


  1. The Biblical Basis for Peer Review ↩︎
  2. Creationism, Science and Peer Review  ↩︎
  3. The Importance and Necessity of Quality Peer Review ↩︎
  4. Peer Review in Creation Research ↩︎
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robert byers
robert byers
October 8, 2021 6:58 PM

Great article for youths to gets the credits and some help in thinking about creationism and meet people. In short to get smarter and get a job in it somehow.
I don’t agree peer review matters as its just saying OTHER PEOPLEB justify your research. they don’t. its on the evidencev and if you have smarter ideas you don’t others to agree. God was never peer reviewed. The bible does not need peer review.
A problem in schools is censorship and punishment and oppression aimed also at creationists. You must be smart to avoid the present wicked opposition powers.

October 24, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  robert byers

correct, & the modern educational university system was instituted over a thousand years ago by the greatest anti-protestant persecuting power the world has ever known; the papacy; remember,
‘rome never changes’..

Timothy R. Brophy
October 9, 2021 5:00 AM

@LibertyU is most definitely a Creation-Affirming Institution! Not sure how we didn’t make that list. We have a Center for Creation Studies, active creationist research, and a Creation Studies minor. Let’s talk, New Creation Blog! A little help, @sciencefaithfun?

October 28, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Sara Anne

I see you added Liberty University, a great school by the way; but to add to what Timothy said, what about Pensacola Christian College? They offer quite an array of STEM majors, they espouse young-earth creationism and require biblical origins classes to science majors.

Noel Grimes
October 29, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  norman

Hey Norman,

Thanks for recommending another college to add to the list. We will look into it and update the list accordingly.


October 10, 2021 8:13 PM

Who besides God himself was involved in the creation of men? We cannot forget that GOD said: Genesis 1:v.26-CJB- “Let us make humankind in OUR image, in the likeness of ourselves…; verse 27 – So God created humankind in HIS OWN image; in the image of GOD He created him: male and female He created them.

King James Version-Genesis 1:v.26-Let us make MAN in OUR image, after OUR likeness… The Word of GOD is not revealing the creation of one MAN or a MAN, but to create MAN or HUMANKIND, many, many. 

1 – Who was with GOD to share or to participate in the creation of MAN or humankind, in His own image, but in the likeness of them both or of themselves? 

2 – What or how was/is his image, the image of the Spirit of GOD? Yeah, an image that could be said to have been or is created in the image and likeness of God? The Scriptures have a crystal answer how was/is the image of GOD, in whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Greg Thompson
Greg Thompson
October 24, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  OSEAS
  1. This has been answered since the Apostles. God is three in one, being Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is why the passage is written as such. Hebrews did not see it that way until Christ came along. The affirmation of the trinity predated the Nicene Creed.
  2. The image seems mundane to make a big deal out of. We look like God but can’t ever be God. The image in the mirror is two dimensional while the original is three dimensional.
James E Herreid
James E Herreid
October 24, 2021 8:30 AM

I appreciate being a part of this community and will be praying in regard to furthering my education and understanding of Creationism. As I have aged I find that I don’t learn so easily, and remembering is a struggle, but I know of a certainty that all that surrounds me, and everything I see from the smallest insect to the largest mammal reveal God’s amazing and intricate design and detail. Thank you for the great work you do in sharing His truth in this lost dying world!

October 24, 2021 8:39 AM

I don’t need to try and figure out how God created the heavens and the earth and the fulness contained here in. The scriptures provides me enough information. It is written your ways are not My ways, your thoughts are not My thoughts, as heaven is above the earth, so am I above you. So why should I waste time trying to come up with my way in which I believe He created everything when I already know I can’t fathom Him or His ways. He is infinite, humans have a finite mind, so how can the finite mind figure out God? We are called to walk in faith, not by sight. I’m not saying you can not study His creation, but to try and say one knows how He did it is wrong for none of us know that.

Noel Grimes
October 29, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Stan

Hi Stan!

While there are certainly aspects of the creation event and the Flood that we won’t know full answers to (as both were supernatural events), we believe it glorifies God to study what He has made. Since God created and often uses physical laws and processes, and since he has created us with curiosity and intelligence which reflect His image, we can glorify God in studying what has happened in earth history. Your point still stands–His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are above ours. As long as we are approaching these things in humility and with the goal to bring Him honor, it can be a very worthwhile cause.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Mary Theresa English
Mary Theresa English
October 26, 2021 9:31 AM

I am surprised that there are no Catholic Universities listed here. I know that many now teach Theistic Evolution which is a fallacy due to liberal theologians, planted by the Communist Party. For more information on what the Catholic Church REALLY believes, please see Most Catholics, like myself, were taught Creation in the Catholic Schools and in Cathecism. Catholic universities should be at least sympathetic to Creation, since the original Bible actually came from the Catholic Church and remained as the ONLY Bible for 1500 years, translated by St. Jerome into Latin from the Greek Septuigint, which Jesus and the Apostles read. In fact the Bible was put together at a Catholic Council by the Church Fathers in 390 AD. The 7 books that Luther took out were books Jesus and His disciples read, which were later discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the NIV Bible, John 10:22 states that it was the feast of Dedication (footnotes: that is Hanukkah), which He celebrated, as do the Jews celebrate to this day. Where do we find the story of Hanukkah? In the Book of Maccabees!
P.S. We used to live in Lynchburg, VA where I visited Liberty University. I was very impressed by the Creation Science Museum.

Noel Grimes
October 29, 2021 10:14 AM

Hi Mary!
Thanks for your comment. Do you have any particular Catholic universities in mind? This list is a growing list based off of what we know, and we are open to looking into other accredited universities that offer STEM degrees.

Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson
February 20, 2022 12:15 PM

Hi, Mary Theresa,: the Bible did not “originate” in 390 AD. It originated as the written word, from prophets and apostles, plus figures like Moses or Luke, who also did God’s work of giving us His inspired word. It originated as the truth in the heart of God.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda Johnson
October 28, 2021 4:04 PM

This was a phenomenal idea! There was certainly no such list when I went to college 25+ years ago, but now with my children at that age and interested in science, this article will be helpful. Thank you for the effort in putting this list together.


[…] Is Genesis History?) waar de creationistische hogescholen en universiteiten op een rij staan.6 De derde bespreking in deze negende aflevering is een bespreking van een artikel op de website van […]

Brian Mariani
November 11, 2021 2:56 PM

This is a great resource – so that young people can get plugged into the right programs to contribute to the advancement of better scientific models!! Thanks for this article!

Also, I work with Alpha Omega Institute – a Creation Science Teaching ministry in Grand Junction, CO. We have developed a 1-year Training Adventure that is a specialized program designed to fortify students with a creation-based Biblical worldview with an emphasis on applied apologetics and personal discipleship. This Adventure includes field trips to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Mt St Helens!

See more details here:

Contact us for potential internship opportunities as well!

Bates Estabrooks
Bates Estabrooks
February 18, 2022 12:52 PM

Warner University in Lake Wales Florida is creation-affirming.

Michael Boyum
Michael Boyum
April 14, 2022 6:54 AM

How about LeTourneau University, Longview, Texas?

Abigail L.
April 14, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  Michael Boyum

Hi Michael,
Thank you for the suggestion. Do you know their stance on creationism?

Adumbrative Troglodyte
Adumbrative Troglodyte
April 21, 2022 12:20 PM
Reply to  Abigail L.

The school is quite strong in a lot of areas, but as with many evangelical schools boasting a strong scriptural genesis, sadly, a caveat emptor is now warranted. One of the LU physics profs there, for example, has been an impenitent acolyte for progressive creationism.

Abigail L.
April 28, 2022 10:23 AM

Thank you for the information!

Nick Liguori
Nick Liguori
May 19, 2022 7:38 PM

This list is so helpful I’ve bookmarked it! Any places you can recommend for anthropology?

Norman Moll
Norman Moll
September 21, 2022 5:54 AM

I’m surprised that you haven’t included Andrews University, Southwestern Adventist University and other Seventh-Day Adventist Colleges in your listing of places that teach and support a Young Earth world view. You must be aware of Dr. Art Chadwick’s work! He is a professor at Southwestern.

Christian Ryan
October 2, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  Norman Moll

Thank you, Norman! We will look into your suggestion.

Gordon L Wilson
September 26, 2022 9:12 AM

Please include New Saint Andrews College on your list of Creation Colleges!

Christian Ryan
October 2, 2022 7:59 PM

Thank you, Dr. Wilson! We are always updating this list, so any creation college recommendations are appreciated. 🙂

September 27, 2022 5:51 AM

While their science program is very small, Patrick Henry College meets your requirements for creation studies. Thanks for this list!

Christian Ryan
October 2, 2022 8:01 PM
Reply to  Sheila

Hello, Sheila! I don’t know how we forgot to add Patrick Henry College, especially since they held the Origins conference last summer. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Bill Barrick
Bill Barrick
June 30, 2023 7:46 PM

Were graduate schools like seminaries (e.g. The Master’s Seminary and Central Seminary and Expositors Seminary or Shepherds Theological Seminary) purposefully omitted? What about Baptist Bible College of Ankeny, IA or Baptist Bible College of Clark’s Summit, PA or Jackson Hole Bible College?

Abigail L.
July 7, 2023 8:10 AM
Reply to  Bill Barrick

Hi Bill, while there are many seminaries and Bible schools that are aligned with creationism, this list is limited to creation-affirming and creation-sympathetic schools that offer degrees in STEM fields.

April 17, 2024 6:25 AM

Creation science at college? What a terrible idea–set kids up to go to a school that essentially denies the ability of instrumentation to deliver reliable analytics and thereby also disaffirming any chance of confirming YEC. Pointless. That’s like going to college to get a business degree and coming out having learned how to write a check.

Christian Ryan
April 17, 2024 5:15 PM
Reply to  Jeff

You have provided no evidence to back up any of your claims. All of the colleges and universities listed in this article are accredited, meaning that they do meet rigorous academic standards required of them. Additionally, many of the professors, graduate students, and even undergraduate students at these schools are actively involved in the broader scientific community, publishing research in reputable, mainstream scientific journals and presenting their work at mainstream scientific conferences.

April 17, 2024 9:13 PM
Reply to  Christian Ryan

Have you been to a (non-YEC) geology conference and ever heard much debate or research talking about a young earth? Do their publications in the “broader” scientific community mention a young earth? No, of course not. Some might argue bias, but it’s really because of a lack of data and the fact that their models invoke miracles. Indeed, their model during the flood would totally fry every living thing on earth (and boil off the water). Other Christians who are scientists have no issue with old earth (and evolution).

Or how about a former young earth creationist who became a geologist. Great stuff here to point out YEC lies.

Here’s another one:

And if you want a thorough destruction of YEC from the biology POV, then there is Joel Duff (also a Christian and college biology professor):

Are you still pursuing an undergrad degree at the S. Dakota School of mines? Take a word of advice. Young Earth Creationism is a total fail. It does not align with any real data. The junk that is out there is all cherry-picked to see only what they want you to see. Useless. Why do you think Snelling resorts to old earth when he was doing oil exploration?

From the article:
“Every major oil company employs kinetic models in their search for hydrocarbons, based on the techniques that I have described above. Since these models assume that we correctly know the age of rocks and their temperature history, petroleum exploration provides us with millions of ongoing scientific tests, which collectively could disprove the conventional geologic timescale and confirm the young-Earth paradigm.

Of course, they don’t.”

Avoid your faith crisis early and also become a useful scientist that contributes real data to our understanding of the world.

Christian Ryan
May 9, 2024 9:30 PM
Reply to  Jeff

Yes, your comment did come in. Given that almost all of us are active college/university students, we do not always have a chance to get to them right away.

It is true that scientific research by young-earth creationists presented in mainstream formats (conferences, technical publications, etc) does usually not specifically mention “young earth.” Nevertheless, such research projects are still spawned from the types of questions that arise from a historical understanding of Genesis 1-11. Science cannot confirm or deny the occurrence of a miracle. So whether or not a supernatural, intelligent agency (e.g. God) has miraculously intervened at various times throughout history, we can still formulate hypotheses that are testable by scientific methodology. Was the Coconino Sandstone formed in a dry, sandy desert or underwater? Did the Hanson Ranch Bonebed form from the slow accumulation of dinosaur carcasses over a long period of time, or from a sudden catastrophe? Can animals be delineated according to distinct kinds? All of these are questions that arise from a historical Genesis paradigm and are being tackled with science in mainstream journals and conferences, irrespective of the occurrence of miracles at some points in the past. You are more than welcome (encouraged, even!) to dispute our interpretation of the data relevant to these research projects. But simply denying that our data exists, claiming that creation science is a total fail, or that we do not contribute to the broader scientific community is an indefensible position to hold.

You are correct that you can be a Christian and accept an old earth and universal common ancestry. But there is no consensus among these Christians as to exactly how to integrate these concepts with scripture. So the “You can be a Christian and accept [fill in the blank] too” argument will not get you very far. You still have to look at the main points each position is making in order to test their validity. Personally, I am not convinced these other positions held by other Christians make the most sense biblically or scientifically.

Also, you made the claim that all young-earth creationist resources consist only of the cherry-picked information we want other people to see. How many of these creationist resources that you have engaged with were actual, technical publications? In my experience, most skeptics do not engage with the more academic creationist content, and tend to congregate around lower quality creationist material. As such, it would make sense why you consistently run into “bad faith actors” within the wider community of young-earth creationists.

April 18, 2024 1:12 PM
Reply to  Christian Ryan

I tried replying with evidence, links, etc., but not sure it came through. Did you see it? (it’s one thing if you saw it and didn’t approve it, but quite another if it didn’t get through because of length, etc.). I’m fine with the former, as I could see why you wouldn’t want to post a comment that points out the contradictions inherent to YEC. But if it was the latter, then I’ll rework it.

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